In the lesson on Standards, we looked at some common 'industry standards' for kitchen cabinet dimensions. Some of the measurements had a plus (+) and minus (-) tolerance for each figure.
A tolerance is the amount that a standard can 'tolerate' in terms of variation from the set measurement.
For example, if a standard kickboard height is listed as: 150mm ± 50mm, then it can tolerate a variation of up to 50 mm more or 50 mm less than 150 mm. But once the variation exceeds this amount, it is no longer considered within the standard.
In other words, the height of a standard kickboard can be anywhere between:
150 + 50 = 200 mm
150 - 50 = 100 mm.
Here's some more tolerances for you to work out. Type your answers into the boxes provided for each question, and then click on the 'Check' button to see if you were correct.